About eSecurity Conference 2024

Cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated and collaborative with every coming year. According to the latest research, companies will spend at least 50% of the IT budget for the improvement of the corporate network security and malware protection systems. Adequate backup solution is necessary for full data protection, too. The sophisticated IT security system is very important for known and new concepts like cloud, MDM (Mobile Device Management), IoT (Internet of Things), BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) etc.


eSecurity Conference is international event, which follows the trends in the field of cyber security every year. This year all of the topics will be grouped into panels. Part of the lectures will be dedicated to the banking security operations including on-line and mobile payments and security of payment cards. Special lectures will be based on proper management of information system security, security of mobile devices and applications, authentication problems, advanced antivirus protection and security of Linux systems, as well as digital forensics, ethical hacking, penetration testing, systems for data recovery and the latest threats and abuse techniques in information systems.

eSecurity Association

Become a sponsor

Phasellus mi massa, imperdiet id luctus ut, Our sponsors are some of the largest and most respected companies in the world, not only in the field of information security and information technologies, but also in banking, auditing, trade.

Program Bureau

One of the most important parts of our conference is our speaking bureau, which takes care that all presentations and demonstrations are at the highest level.

Get the Agenda

The conference agenda is being constantly updated with new topics, speakers and related content. Keep up-to-date.

Call for speakers

If you want to be one of the speakers at the eSecurity 2022 conference, you can send your speach proposal to our Program Bureau.